The Swedish Carnivore Association (SCA)
The Swedish Carnivore Association (SCA) strives towards a society where people and carnivores can coexist in Sweden. We want to increase the general public’s acceptance of carnivores and the understanding that carnivores also have a right to exist in our nature and hunt their natural prey. We want to safeguard a responsible management of LCs, which includes respect for human interests.
Our work
The Swedish Carnivore Association is a non-profit, politically independent advocacy group and a consultative body to the Government, the Environmental Protection Agency and the County Administration in matters of carnivores. Regional representatives of the Swedish Carnivore Association exist in most counties. The Association is also represented on the Environmental Protection Agency’s central ”Carnivor Council” and in several of the Wildlife management Delegations of the County Administration.
We survey large carnivore management in Sweden and react against and bring attention to management practices we believe must be changed for the better. We influence policymakers and managers and sometimes take special hunting issues to court in order to keep the pressure up for good management practices.
- We devote extensive efforts to respond to referrals and write letters to the central and regional authorities concerning large carnivore management
- We participate in the public debate in real life and in media and contribute with our facts and views on carnivores
- In direct contact with the authorities and politicians, we provide policy-makers and officials at the local, regional and central level, with a nuanced picture of the carnivores and their role in nature.
- Members participate in track inventories and act as guides in inventories organized by the County Administrations.
- We organize tracking courses for the training of our members.
- Many members are committed volunteers and help livestock owners in predator areas to build carnivore secure fences to protect the animals.
- We disseminate information about carnivores and meet people by lecturing, participation in fairs and exhibitions and organizing information events.
Skydda både tamdjur och rovdjur med RAS
Ett bra sätt att minska konflikten mellan rovdjur och människor och därmed förbättra levnadsvillkoren för Sveriges rovdjur är att stängsla in tamdjur med rovdjursavvisande stängsel (RAS).
Tamdjursägare som vill skydda sina djur mot angrepp kan få bidrag av Länsstyrelsen för rovdjursavvisande stängsel. Svenska Rovdjursföreningens volontärer kan kostnadsfritt hjälpa tamdjursägare med montering av stängsel så de ger det bästa skyddet.
Vi söker tamdjurägare att hjälpa och volontärer som vill göra en insats!
Sveriges stora & små rovdjur
Vad vet du om rovdjuren du delar ditt avlånga land med?
Visste du att en björn kan äta 1/3 av sin vikt i bär varje dag? Att lodjurshonan kan lämna sina ungar i upp till 24 timmar för att jaga? Att vargföräldrar kan hålla ihop livet ut och uppfostrar sina valpar tillsammans? Nedan kan du läsa på om de stora och de små.