Att bevara vild natur och vilda djur bör vara en av våra största prioriteringar.

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Susann Engqvist, Foto Michiel Annaert, Butterfly Foundation

Butterfly Foundation supports Svenska Rovdjursföreningen

Sweden’s predator policy, and most recently the licence hunt for wolves, always attracts big international attention. This has resulted in the Swedish Predator Association, together with our partner Sweden’s Big Five, receiving a donation from the Butterfly Foundation organisation.

The donation twill be used to preserve our iconic large predators, bears, wolves, lynx, wolverines and golden eagles.

– Protecting large carnivores is crucial; conserving wild nature and wildlife should be one of our biggest priorities right now, more than ever. I encourage all travel organisations around the world to take responsibility for their actions. If we want to continue to bring people into nature, it is important to protect it so that people can still encounter wildlife from a safe distance and marvel at the power and beauty of nature.‘ said Harry Van Durme, co-founder of The Butterfly Foundation, concluding;

’By embracing sustainable practices and supporting conservation efforts, we can ensure that future generations continue to experience and cherish the wonders of nature.

The Butterfly Foundation is part of Travelbase and The Canoe Trip, which offers, among other things, self-guided canoe trips through Sweden’s untouched wilderness, a wilderness they now want to help preserve. The Butterfly Foundation works to support local travel and experience providers, promote sustainable tourism and minimise the ecological footprint.

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Ditt stöd är viktigt för att hjälpa oss i vårt arbete för att våra stora svenska rovdjur ska få leva kvar i vår natur. De är ovärderliga.


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